Employees in the UAE are granted some of the following types of leave as per UAE Labor Law for their proper work-life balance and well-being. Every type of leave is accompanied by certain rules and regulations and the conditions for entitlement.
In this guide, you will find out the Types of Leave in UAE and everything you need to know about it.
Understanding Leave Policies in the UAE
The UAE provides employees with several forms of leave that are evidence of the nation’s support for workers. It is a legal requirement set by the UAE Labor Law that employers treat employees equally and offer leave.
Annual Leave
Annual leave is a fundamental benefit that allows employees time to relax and rejuvenate.
Eligibility for Annual Leave
- Entitlement: Annual leave is given to the employees who have served the company over six months.
- Duration:
- 2 days per month to those employees who have served the company for more than six months but less than a year.
- 30 days per year after one full year of service.
- 2 days per month to those employees who have served the company for more than six months but less than a year.
Calculating Annual Leave Days
Sick days are earned under the employee’s service period and given as yearly leave days. In some companies, the employees are allowed to take forwarded leave days that they had not used the previous years.
Accumulation and Payment
Employees are eligible to receive payment for unused leave days if they are unable to take their leave due to work commitments or in cases of resignation or termination.
Sick Leave
Sick leave is useful for those employees who cannot come to work because of illness.
Eligibility and Documentation
- Eligibility: Sick leaves are admissible after the first three months of employment by the organization.
- Required Documentation:
- There is a need to provide paid sick leave certificates from an accredited doctor or hospital.
Sick Leave Duration and Pay
- 90 days per year: Sick leave can be authorized to a maximum of 90 days in a given fiscal year and can be in forms as follows:
- First 15 days: Full pay.
- Next 30 days: Half pay.
- Remaining 45 days: Unpaid.
Maternity Leave
It is usually provided to allow the mother to take some time for the proper recovery of her body and the birth of a healthy child.
Duration of Maternity Leave
- Female employees: Entitled to 60 days of maternity leave, divided as follows:
- First 45 days: Full pay.
- Next 15 days: Half pay.
Additional Leave for New Mothers
- Extended Leave: If necessary, mothers can take an additional unpaid leave of up to 30 days.
- Breastfeeding Breaks: New mothers are entitled to two 30-minute breaks daily for breastfeeding, up to one year from the child’s birth.
Paternity Leave
The United Arab Emirates currently offers new fathers paid parental leave that allows them time to be home with their newborns.
Duration and Eligibility
- Entitlement: A father is allowed five days of paid parental leave every six months after the birth of a child.
Parental Leave
Paid parental leave is another new type of leave in the UAE, that allows employees to spend time with his or her children.
Duration and Eligibility
- 5 days of paid leave: Men and women are allowed five days of paid Parental leave which may be taken within six months after the birth of the child.
Compassionate Leave
Compassionate leave can also be applied in situations where there are emergencies concerning the immediate family and mostly any death.
Eligibility and Duration
- Death of Spouse: 5 days of paid leave.
- Death of a Close Family Member (parent, sibling, child): 3 days of paid leave.
Compassionate leave allows employees time to grieve and attend necessary family ceremonies.
Hajj Leave
Muslim employees have the right to be granted leave to undertake the hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Eligibility and Duration
- Hajj Leave Entitlement: Muslim employees who have completed one year of service are entitled to 30 days of unpaid leave to perform Hajj.
This leave is only granted once during the employee’s tenure with a company.
Study Leave
It relates to leave granted to employees who are in a position to further their education at higher learning institutions.
Eligibility and Duration
- Study Leave for UAE Nationals: Emirati employees are eligible for 10 days of paid study leave per year if they are enrolled in a UAE-recognized educational institution.
- Purpose: This leave assists the learning endeavors of the workers thus enhancing the UAE vision of a knowledgeable nation.
Unpaid Leave
In some cases, employees may require leave beyond their paid entitlements.
Conditions for Unpaid Leave
- Eligibility: Vacation leave is allowed with the permission of the employer for personal business, long medical leave or an emergency.
- Impact on Employment: Most of the time, unpaid leave impacts the services and the end-of-service payments; therefore, planning is essential.
Special Leave
Special leave covers any situation not specified under standard leave policies.
Conditions and Approval
- Approval by Employer: Paid special leave is however given under the discretion of the employer though usually it is exercised where special circumstances exist.
- Examples of Special Leave: Participation in national events, representing the UAE in competitions, or other unique situations.
Key Takeaways for Employees
Understanding your leave entitlements is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and managing personal commitments effectively. The UAE’s leave policies reflect a supportive work culture, providing employees with time off for various personal, familial, and professional needs.
- It is always relevant to consult your HR colleagues regarding the specific rules on leaves.
- It will also help compliance with established leave policies of the company, such as submission of the leaves on time.
- Take your leave wisely for your health as well as the organization’s needs and requirements.
Final Words
The information provided here will help you develop a detailed understanding of the types of leave options that are available in the UAE so that you can fully maximize your statutory leave. Thus, with this information, you will be equipped with the knowledge of having a balanced and productive work experience as prescribed by UAE Labor Law.